bankstreet is a New-York-based photo agency specialised in interiors, virtual reality applications and experiences.

We are a group of experienced photographers and visual artists who have embraced new technologies such as virtual and augmented reality, to bring beautiful properties to life.

We document the work of leading interior designers, such as Morris Sato, Drake/Anderson, Alexandra Champalimaud, Michael Gabellini, Piet Boon, Ken Fulk, Powell & Bonnel, Kirsten Kelli, Nick Olsen and many other and welcome PR and communications commissions.


Vasil Kholiavinski — founder


My objective with bankstreet is to provide others with a quality means to visually experience beautiful and unique spaces.

Vasil has been a keen observer, innovator and thought-leader in the Virtual Reality field since the industry’s early days in 2008. He has accumulated a large portfolio of property tours throughout the world, with much of his work in Europe and North America. An expert in photography and software development, Vasil specializes in the innovative design and implementation of VR solutions that deliver exceptional senses of realism. He is a talented techie who has a masters degree in mathematics and has worked with several startups as an engineer.

Clients & Partners


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